Thursday 1 March 2012

Early research

For my first studies into the world of digital art, I decided to look at the work of other artists with the brushes app for Ipad. It is clear this way of working is still in its early days, but so far I have managed to find a few intresting finds
The vidoe in the above link is amazing, its a really realistic style, and i feel I can learn a lot with this artist. The most I have spent on an ipad drawing is 3 hours roughtly, so maybe if I spent this long on a drawing, i could compare myself with this style better.
This this link is another artist doing life drawing on an Ipad. Although I could never see myself working like this, I really enjoy some of the mark making going on here.
This site has a collection of Ipad drawing. By far my favorite is the image  "Route (lle de la RĂ©union) by jmhincky2007. Storm sky reflected in road."
 which I have also included here

This is an image I wish to try and learn from.

I-padding it at the Barbican, and some thoughts.

"I-padding it" heh, I shall be remembering that term. Anyways yesterday I did some drawing out at the Barbican, as well as one more quickly done at home.

 The above 2 images are slight variations of the same thing. this was the first scene that I drew, where me and my friend were sat on various rocks. I wanted to draw the artist on location, which fits in with my theme of people and their environments. The top one is the original, and the bottom one has been slightly edited with photoshop, with a slight colour overlay and a filter applied.  I really like the slight changes the second one has, and i feel it makes all the difference.
The above image was another 5-10 minute drawing. It was of a man sitting at a bench looking out to the boats at the port. I like the environment he is in more than himself for this picture. 
The final I pad drawing of the day was this one of my house mate watching television and midnight snaking (its almost a tradition here now for us). 5 minutes or less, really tried doing this without him suspecting. And even better, I think it worked.I like the blocky colours I used here, the sketchyness comes from the black shading, instead of the overlayed colour.

And finnaly below I am showing another one of my more planned drawing. this was a drawing I did for fun with no reference. I love fantasy art, and always sketch like this, but only now am I doing this frequently on the ipad. This drawing took 2-3 hours, and is much more refined than the above sketches, however I have used the same principles, such as shading with low opacity balck brush marks followed by overlayed colour, however this time i placed colour uiderneath the black lines as well as an overlay on top. I think this has created a much bolder effect, and I really like it. I will be trying this method with a more refined drawing of real people next time I do 220 work with the Ipad. so now you know what to expect next, woo!

As well as more detailed life drawings, I will be showing my research here as well,so my train of thought is made clear.


Tuesday drawing out, the shopping centre

Displayed on this post are drawings I did on my Ipad at a shopping centre, sitting on the top floor with a burger and fries, looking down at all the different shoppers.It was a fun afternoon sessions.

The above image was a collarge of sorts. These were 3 different people walking at different times. I decided to add them all on the same image to both save space on my Ipad and create a scene at the same time that shows the busy nature of shoppers at drake circus. Each figure was 5 minutes, and although they are quite rushed, I still think its a fun excersise. I added some crazy colours on the top layer set to overlay at the end to tie the 3 of them together.
The above guy may well of been 5 minutes or less in total. Was really quickly drawing a manager/ security officer who was on the floor below me looking down to the ground floor. He looked like a hitman, so I am glad he did not see me draw him.

I wish I had drawn more at drake circus, and I may well go back to try and draw some of the busy shoppers, but I had other things to do after this, such as finals for 220, so I called it a day after this. however I have done more drawing since then, which I will show in a later post